left behind
それは 圧倒的な圧力
ヒエラルキーの底辺に ひとびとを その意識を 押しつぶすように押し込める 圧力
それは 負の連鎖
教育も 職業も 社会的地位も すべてをからめとる みえない、けれど強いくさり
それは くさび
ひとびとの心にうがたれた あきらめという名の絶望 深いくさび
The islands that have been left behind from development.
There is no electricity, no gas, no water supply.
A place that is disconnected from information because there is no Internet.
There is no school and children struggle to learn.
This is the world of absolute poverty.
There is an overwhelming pressure.
A pressure that crushes the consciousness and drives a wedge of despair into one's soul.
Education, occupation, social status, it seems to involve everything, and engulfs a person with a sense of resignation and fate.